Getting Started

This page will help you get started with Meshblu AMQP. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

Meshblu AMQP uses a request/response pattern for sending Meshblu commands. A client will create a message containing the subject: meshblu.request, and specify a replyTo address that must begin with the device UUID where the server will send the command response.

  subject: 'meshblu.request'
  correlationId: '71027de4-f6ed-4431-b548-679fd1f5c154'
  replyTo: 'ca3b867c-cc46-4d40-a2b7-34259690dc38.response'
  jobType: 'GetStatus'

The server will then process the message, and send the response to the replyTo as the subject in the response message. The correlationId is used to match requests to responses.

  subject: 'ca3b867c-cc46-4d40-a2b7-34259690dc38.response'
  correlationId: '71027de4-f6ed-4431-b548-679fd1f5c154'
  statusCode: 200
body: '{"meshblu":"online"}'